Course Resources

February 19 - April 1, 2024
Available for Download until Dec 31

Before participating, please complete these two forms:
Teletherapy Informed Consent
Online Meeting Agreements

Welcome to Reclamation Ground! Whether you’re participating live or asynchronously, this is where you’ll find the necessary resources for our course. Each week, check back to click on a Class Page (below). That’s where you’ll find downloadable slides, video recordings, and a homework portal. You can plan on these being posted within 24 hours following the live meeting. Given that you’ll be accessing this page weekly, please take a moment to bookmark or copy its URL.

We meet live, online from 4:30-6:00 p.m. PT on seven consecutive Mondays (Feb 19-April 1). If you’d like to stay for questions, then hang out after class during weeks 2-6 for our (unrecorded) Q&A Session. Thank you for joining the Course!

Class Pages

Course FAQ

  • Rooted in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), this course interweaves traditional lectures with brief guided meditation, written self-reflection, small group discussion, and Q&A periods. Homework assignments are experiential in nature, optional, and encouraged. To bring life to the material, Kelly integrates stories, quotes, and teachings from her personal interests (e.g., spirituality, feminism, social activism). To enliven the slideshow, 100% of the photographs have been taken at Kelly's home, Pastime Farm. (That's where in person events take place.) The intention is to offer a felt-sense of the place, so that you might determine whether it is a fit for you (i.e. before attending a daylong workshop or weekend retreat).

  • This course is suitable to any level of mastery – from the beginner to the seasoned ACT therapist. Everyone is welcome. Advanced practitioners are encouraged to ask any questions that may arise — it can only bring greater depth and vitality to our conversation.

  • These teachings are experiential in nature. Much like other wisdom teachings, such as yoga, advanced practitioners benefit greatly from intermediate-level instruction. The beginner will be focused on conceptual understanding, whereas the practitioner will be focused on integrating subjective wisdom. Repeated participation in this course is therefore encouraged. The full registration fee is only paid once. After that, you receive 75% off future online offerings of this online course. There is no limit – you’re encouraged to return year after year! The coupon code is: 75%OFF

  • The Annual Course aims to clarify the ways in which we disempower ourselves. It provides the foundation for all of Kelly’s work and is the only context in which she provides these teachings. For that reason, it is the gateway for participation in group events of any kind – whether that be seminars, circles, or weekend retreats. No matter one’s level of mastery, this course is a necessary first step to joining our collective.

  • The cost of registration is for the course in its entirety — regardless of attendance or decision to exit early. Registration will not be pro-rated, for any reason.

  • Kelly Minor, Ph.D., has been offering courses, seminars, retreats, and professional consultation on the topic of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) for sixteen years. Initially, she passed along the teachings in much the same way she’d received them during her full-time clinical ACT internship (Stanford, VA Palo Alto). Now, she’s sharing the teachings in a way that is down-to-earth and truer to her heart. Her work is aimed at exposing our tragic misunderstandings about control. Acceptance of this fact is the necessary initial step toward reclaiming one’s freedom, authenticity, and power. It is the basis for all her work.

  • The long-term vision is an inspired community of individuals supporting one another’s self-discovery and transformation. (There will be our traditional women's groups -- as well as opportunities for mixed-gender gatherings.) Whether you live near or far, you might choose to join us for an advanced-level seminar, long-term circle, or weekend retreat. In any case, the Annual Course is the gateway.

Continuing Education

  • 10.5 Continuing Education (CE) hours are available for the live, online offering of this course for the following licensure types: Psychologist, MFT, LCSW, LPCC, LEP, LMFT, and RN.

  • In addition to the course fee, there is a $75 nonrefundable administrative service fee that you can select upon registering. (This is paid directly to our CE sponsor.) Be sure to first review the participation and cancellation policies (next).

  • Partial CE credit cannot be given for partial attendance. While attending the online course, your video must be on at all times.

  • The $75 service fee is paid to our CE sponsor when you enroll for the course. It is nonrefundable, regardless of whether you complete the course satisfactorily and therefore earn the CE certificate.

  • The teachings are subjective and experiential in nature. Teachings are appropriate for healthcare professionals as well as the general public. Healthcare professionals will be able to incorporate the tools and practices offered in this program in ways beneficial to clients or patients. This workshop uses Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) as its foundation.

  • This course is suitable to any level of mastery –from the beginner to the seasoned ACT therapist. Everyone is welcome. Advanced practitioners are encouraged to ask any questions that may arise — it can only bring greater depth and vitality to our conversation.

  • CE credits for psychologists are provided by the Spiritual Competency Academy (SCA) which is co-sponsoring this program. The Spiritual Competency Academy is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Spiritual Competency Academy maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

  • SCA is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN Provider CEP16887) for licensed nurses in California. RNs must retain their certificate of attendance for 4 years after the course concludes. Nurses outside of California must confirm acceptance with their licensing boards.

  • The California Board of Behavioral Sciences accepts CE credits for LCSW, LPCC, LEP, and LMFT license renewal for programs offered by sponsors of CE who are approved by the American Psychological Association.

  • For questions about receiving your Certificate of Attendance, contact Kelly Minor at

    For questions about CE, contact Spiritual Competency Academy at