Class 3 Digital Materials
Slide Deck
Want to revisit a quote, table, or definition? Those slides are available to scroll through. (Feel free to download.)
Live Recording
Zoom recordings of our class meetings are available until December 31. (Optional Q&A sessions are not recorded.)
Self-Study Video
This self-study recording is available until December 31. Please share any suggestions you may have.
Class 3 Homework Portal
Homework assignments are provided at the end of each class meeting. They are entirely optional and intended to integrate the teachings into your everyday life. At the start of the next class, Kelly may choose to read excerpts from homework submissions. If you choose to share your findings, they may be included. Your name will not be read aloud. If you cannot attend the live Q&A sessions, then please enter your name and questions into the portal. That way, Kelly can respond to you via email.
This week’s homework assignment:
Your homework: Map the 4-List exercise onto the 5-Column
Insert lists A & C into Column 1 (Problems)
How someone wanted the other person to be different
Insert lists B & D into Column 2 (Solutions)
How someone attempted to change the other person
Complete columns 3 & 4: Short- and Long-Term Outcomes
Were attempts at changing the other person effective (yes/no)?
Column 5: Unintended Side Effects
Were there any unintended consequences?